String Encoding
asm-dom renders attributes in UTF-8 (they are std::string) and props in UTF-16 (they are emscripten::val).
If you want to take a string from javascript, from an input for example, you have to know that this string is encoded in UTF-16 and you can save it in a std::wstring
variable, so, you have to pay attention to the encoding. In the TODOMVC example you can see how we have dealed with that. We have created 2 helpers that are used when we take values from events ( and put values into props. Here is an example:
std::wstring utf8_to_wstring(const std::string& str) {
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> converter;
return converter.from_bytes(str);
std::string wstring_to_utf8(const std::wstring& str) {
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> converter;
return converter.to_bytes(str);
const int KEY_ENTER = 13;
int main() {
// some code here...
std::string val = getInputValue();
VNode* vnode = h("input",
Attrs {
// UTF-8 encoding, no stuff needed
{"type", "text"}
// UTF-8 encoding, u8 needed for accented characters
{"class", u8"ehilà"}
Props {
// setting a prop: UTF-8 to UTF-16
{"value", emscripten::val(utf8_to_wstring(val))}
{"anotherProp", emscripten::val(L"This is UTF-16")}
Callbacks {
{"onkeydown", [handler](emscripten::val e) -> bool {
// get value from event: UTF-16 to UTF-8
std::string value = wstring_to_utf8(e["target"]["value"].as<std::wstring>());
if (e["keyCode"].as<int>() == KEY_ENTER && !value.empty()) {
// do stuff...
return true;
// some code here...