asm-dom is a low-level virtual DOM library. It is unopinionated with regards to how you should structure your application.

Shared C++ Codebase
Shared C++ Codebase
Write only once in C++ and share as much code as possible with desktop/mobile apps and web site.
Cutting Edge Technologies
asm-dom allows you to write an entire SPA in C++ and compile it to WebAssembly (or asmjs as fallback) using Emscripten. This will produce an app that aims to execute at native speed by taking advantage of common hardware capabilities!

JSX like syntax
JSX like syntax
asm-dom can be used with a JSX like syntax to make your developer experience even better
Server Side Rendering
Server Side Rendering
asm-dom supports server-side rendering, you can write your server in C++ and run it on Node.js with WebAssembly